Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Moved to WordPress

I have finally set up WordPress. Until further notice, my blog lives at http://blog.raz.cx/ and the RSS feed at http://blog.raz.cx/?feed=rss2

2007-04-24 10:26 UPDATE: There's also an atom feed at http://blog.raz.cx/?feed=atom

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Movie: 300

In the previous post, I mentioned that I'd attended a private screening of 300; here is a review of sorts.

Some preamble and disclosure: I have been meaning for a while to post reviews of movies that I've particularly enjoyed, not because I assume that I have anything amazingly important to say about them, and not to promote them per se (any more than I would when talking enthusiastically with friends in a pub about a movie that I've enjoyed), but for the same reason that I blog in the first place: to put myself in a position where what I write will be visible publicly and with my name on it because doing so shapes my writing in a way that nothing else does. Reviewing movies is an obvious topic for me because I enjoy cinema. I've been meaning to start doing so for a while, in fact I very nearly did after watching Children of Men, which I found rather moving. I feel the need to write this preamble as a disclaimer of sorts because the situation is unusual for me (I've rarely attended a pre-release screening, and never with the director present) and because the possibility of a perception of bias, indeed the possibility of actual bias, bothers me. I fully intended to write about it - whether I liked it or not - when I accepted the invitation for bloggers to attend. I loved the film, it is even possible that my appreciation was enhanced by the exclusive nature of the screening and the presence of the director, whose own enthusiasm for his work was obvious. What bothers me is:

  • that part of me feels as though I "should" blog about it (the invitation came to me as a blogger, albeit a less "influential" one than the promoters perhaps had in mind) because not doing so would be rude, despite the invitation being on a no-strings basis
  • in particular that a film where there is at least the possibility of [the perception of] bias is the one where I am first overcoming inertia and actually writing a review; perhaps I should simply view this as a helpful expedient, had I not accepted this invitation, I'd still not be reviewing films
  • that in publishing a review of a film where I had more and earlier access to than the general public (if IMDB is to be believed, it doesn't open in the UK until March 23, and the director will not be present for Q&A at public screenings, of course) I'll be publishing a review of an experience not available to the public generally; granted, professional reviewers seem comfortable with this as a neccessity (to be commercially interesting, reviews must be written and published before cinematic release).
Clearly I'm taking this all too seriously. Suffice it say that this review may be biased by my having attended free of charge, well in advance of public release, with a Q&A with the director. There was even free grog.

So, the film.

It is a movie adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name, which in turn tells the story of a group of 300 volunteer Spartan soldiers who took on the Persian army of ~1 000 000 at a narrow pass (the "Hot Gates") at Thermopylae in 480BC. According to the director (Zack Snyder), the adaptation is very close, with the notable exception of the addition of the Spartan Queen and therefore of scenes featuring her. The film (I assume through following the novel) introduces several historical inaccuracies, however the gist remains real enough; a minute force of Greeks, notably 300 Spartans, undertakes a suicidal mission which provides the bulk of the Greek states with the time, and perhaps even some inspiration, to subsequently defeat the Persian army. Even when the 700 Thespians are factored back in, the ratio comes in at about 1:1 000; this makes even the 1:20 ratio at the Battle of Long Tần appear unimpressive. Granted, the Aussies were a little more successful in that latter battle.

The film itself is, per its graphic novel inspiration, visually stunning. It is pretty violent, but no more so than the story would appear to require. The colour, film grain and lens proximity choices (there are long shots, but not many) are spot on and make for a gorgeous look. The soundtrack was flawless and, as Snyder suggested, was played loud in the preview; whether audiences will get the same treatment after release remains to be seen. With the exception of an opening shot (the arrival of a Persian messenger), the entire movie was shot on bluescreen, apparently at Icestorm in Montreal (where The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne was shot entirely indoors, entirely on HD, on green rather than blue of course).

The extensive blurb (press-kit?) provided to people attending the screening includes "Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy". During the Q&A, this was mentioned and Snyder acknowledged that the Spartans weren't exactly democratic, that perhaps freedom was a better word to use. It seems to me that the reference democracy holds, despite the fact that the Spartans themselves were not particularly democratic, for a number of reasons:
  • freedom and democracy, in any form, tend to be correlates; freedom is an essential precondition for any form of democracy, some form of democracy often arises where people are somewhat free; to the extent that the Spartans' action sustained freedom, it sustained an essential condition for democracy
  • a line in the sand (well, on a map) really was drawn by this action and, in that it happened to protect Athens, that was a line in the sand for democracy just as much as it was for freedom, or for Sparta; had this line not been drawn, the Persians would have crushed Athens, and Athenian democracy with it.
Also, the primary (well, loudest) arguments against regarding Sparta as democratic (apart from the fact that they didn't think of themselves this way anyway) are about the status of women, slaves and resident aliens. Note however that women have had the vote in most western democracies for less than a century, resident aliens today ordinarily have not merely no political rights, but severely constrained economic rights and, while no western democracy openly tolerates slavery (any more), the status of lawfully highly-indebted low-wage earners is somewhat more constrained than that of their better off country-men and, of course, actual (if illegal) slavery is in evidence throughout the world. Further, as western democracies tend to be "representative" rather than "radical", it can be argued that they are actually oligarchies rather than democracies. Advancing this argument is clearly ad hominem on my part and does demonstrate that the Spartans' action supports democracy; my point is rather that many of the people who reflexively object to the depiction of the Spartans' action as supportive of democracy are likely to be implicitly viewing Sparta, and for that matter Athens, as lesser societies than current-day western democracies when, perhaps, the comparison paints current western democracies in a rather less favourable light than those objectors imagine.

Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the film and wholeheartedly recommend seeing it. I will seek brevity in future reviews.


{{ The sound of another month speeding past... }}

Well, I am now back in the UK, am finally resident in London and have just accepted a job offer which will see me spending almost as much time in south-east Asia as in the UK over the next few months. Travel appears to be becoming a habit.

Here's what I've been up to (highlights, anyway):
  • Attended the rest of LCA2007.
  • Spent a week in Auckland, stayed with Camilla, attended my cousin Chris's wedding to Andrea, met/caught-up with various family (John, Joey, Tania, Stephen, Samantha, Graham, Cheryl, Mary), caught up with David Garnier. Went out with Camilla and David (on different evenings :-)) to go dancing; the only dancing that I did all trip in fact. Visited Devonport, Te Aroha, Paeroa, and travelled some of the way up the Coromandel Peninsula. Had an unexpected encounter with the North Shore Hash House Hussies.
  • Feb-1: Dinner in Chinatown with Chris Wood, John Malouf, Nyssa, Simon Rumble. Drinks with the above plus Christian and assorted ProgSoccers.
  • Feb 2: Spent the afternoon lurking at Blackbird; caught up with Janelle, Chris Thill, Sbug, Josh and family. Dinner at Rosalina's Italian Restaurant in Newtown with Silvia, Christian, Jane, Chris, Cathy, David, Alexander, Brad. Roberto was a saint; he didn't bat an eyelid at the sheer amount of noise that Alexander managed to make after dinner.
  • Feb-3: Brunch at Micky's Cafe in Paddington with Jane, Chris, James Vodanovich, Terry, Mary and a small fleet of sprogs. Afternoon tea with Roland (yes, another one), Amita and two offspring; this included a walk in the Chinese Garden of Friendship. Drinks with Adesh at the Hilton's Zeta bar (I was a little underdressed, I fear). Dinner at Had to Happen in North Sydney (North Sydney is even more dead on a weekend than I recalled; parking was available right outside the restaurant) with Michel, Linda, Kearon, Erika, James Davidson, Ian Woolf.
(Spent those three nights and Jane and Chris' great, newly acquired, apartment in Woollahra.)
  • Dug trenches and laid pavers at Dad's place. (What, you don't dream about travelling halfway across the world to landscape family members' gardens? :-) Actually, a day's hard physical labour in hot, humid conditions was a nice change, at least in that it felt good to (a) complete something and (b) stop.)
  • Feb-6: Lunch with Lydia. Dinner at Billu's Indian Eatery in Harris Park with Denny, Marina, OB, Paul Peterson, Wendy, Stuart, Christian and Bronwyn.
  • Feb-8: Back at Blackbird, lunch with Sammy, Tony Horton. Dinner at Il Cugino in Leichhardt with David Littlejohn, Psyke, Colin Panisset, Nathan, Ros, Anthony Rumble, Jedd, John Elliot, Christian.
  • Feb-9: After checking in at Mascot, coffee with Mum, Dad and Tony Macinante.
Thanks to everyone who made time to catch up! Apologies to anyone I've forgotten to mention.
  • Feb-10/11: A stopover in Bangkok. What a place! Hot, humid, smelly, vibrant, crowded, fascinating. I can't wait to go back; which it now appears that I'll do rather soon.
  • Had the longest jetlag recovery time that I ever recall having (passed out early on four consecutive nights).
  • Saw a private screening of 300 (thanks Hugh!); an incredible story, a visual feast. Loved it.
  • Feb-17: Made my first foray into the London Ceroc scene (Chiswick Town Hall). As anticipated, there are plenty of good dancers here, which pleases me immensely.
  • Feb-18: Chinese New Year celebrations in London (which now just means "hop on the tube for half an hour" rather than "spend hours in transit each way") with Chris and Angie. Threw throw-downs about the place, which I've not done since I was a child. Discovered the Prince Charles Cinema just off Leicester Square which runs recent, but not most-recent, films for as little as £1.50. Saw Volver (fun) and Little Miss Sunshine (riotous; the trailers don't do it justice).
  • Feb-20: Wandered back to the Prince Charles Cinema to see Manhattan (yes, I like Woody Allen films).

{{ A message on a "use new Blogger" nag page that came up after I logged in suggests that the old UI and, more importantly, the ability to continue to use blogger.raz.cx without a gmail account and thus without accepting a cookie from google.com, will be removed as of my next login. If so, my procrastinating about shifting to WordPress may be about to come to an abrupt end and my intention to return to posting daily may not bear fruit for a couple of days. }}

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Catching up...

Wow, it's been a month since I've posted. Things have been exciting. I've
  • vacated my Reading apartment
  • spent Christmas with Martin, Elaine and co.
  • flown to Sydney
  • had an additional family Christmas gathering on 27-Dec
  • spent a few days in Illawong with James, Christian (photos), Jane and Chris; walked up Kosciouszko
  • spent about five days in Perisher Huette with Anand, Geeta, Pran, Kathy, Aiden, Mum, Dad, Brad, Dave (photos), Cathy, Alexander, John, Rebecca and Elle; walked up Twynam and performed maintenance on the geocache
  • am now staying at Brad's place in Coogee and attending LCA2007
Here are some bits and pieces:

Monday, December 18, 2006

Body impact timelines for quitting smoking, drinking cola

Intriguing descriptions of the short-term effects of quitting smoking and drinking cola.

(via a crick in the net)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Links for 2006-12-09

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Maintaining other Debain releases in chroots

This question came up on the mvpmc-users list in response to my throwaway comment:
The VLC in Debian Sarge (0.8.2) doesn't appear to be able to do this. Instead I fished whatever version happened to be in sid yesterday (0.8.6).
My reply:
On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 14:12 +0100, Marc wrote:

Roland --

On Wed, 29 Nov 2006 19:13:21 +0000, "Roland Turner (mvpmc-users)" wrote:

> I maintain a number of chroot environments (one each for woody, sarge,
> etch and sid) on my machine:
> - created with debootstrap
> - some cleverness with bind mounting /tmp and /home, plus some tweaking
> of /etc/passwd, provides an equivalent-to-host environment
> - accessed with dchroot

Would you mind sharing that bit with the cleverness? I currently run a server with sarge,
for peace of mind. I experimented with VLC on my laptop and enjoy it a lot, but I'd prefer
to run it on the server.

Was googling around a bit with debootstrap and dchroot as my keywords, but no result...

The following is from memory. I suggest that you peruse the relevant documentation (man pages, etc.) at each step to verify (a) that you understand what you're doing and (b) that I haven't goofed.

# apt-get install debootstrap dchroot
# mkdir -p /chroot/sid
# debootstrap sid /chroot/sid
# echo 'sid /chroot/sid' >>/etc/dchroot.conf
# cat /etc/debian_version
# dchroot -c sid
# cat /etc/debian_version

Note (check!) that the Debian version changed.

At this point, you've got the basics up and running. You still have a superuser shell, but you're inside a chroot with a copy of sid in it.

# vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Set up relevant sources for sid and save

# apt-get update
# apt-get install vlc
# vipw

Place a copy of your personal account from your "real" /etc/passwd. In particular, be careful to preserve your UID.

# vigr

Put your personal username into whatever groups you require.

# ^D
# cat /etc/debian_version

Verify that you're back in the real root.

# vi /etc/fstab


/home /chroot/sid/home none bind 0 2
/tmp /chroot/sid/tmp none bind 0 2
/var/local /chroot/sid/var/local none bind 0 2
proc /chroot/sid/proc proc defaults 0 0


/home will mean that your normal non-root-user environment continues to work; this is the reason for preserving your UID.

/tmp gives you access to the local X server at /tmp/.X11-unix/X0

/var/local may not be of interest to you; I keep all kinds of useful stuff there.

# mount -a

$ dchroot -d -c sid
$ vlc somefile.mpeg


- Raz

Monday, December 04, 2006

A seasonal use for those excess business cards

I was talking with Shalin and Fazny last weekend about the whole "we've had 1000 business cards printed, we'll never actually use that many" problem that most people have encountered at one time or another. I was reminded of my time at Discreet, the 1500 (!) cards that each engineer was issued with and what one of my colleagues (J I think, Mark vdB may have been involved) did with some of his one Christmas. Teams throughout the company were invited to decorate a tree for the lobby, this entry was one of a couple (both from R&D) that didn't actually look like a Christmas tree: